Cited | Press
Marks of Genius: 100 Extraordinary Drawings
by Rachel McGarry with Tom Rassieur
Exhibition catalogue
The book includes more than 225 illustrations, essays by Rachel McGarry and Thomas Rassieur, and contributions by Rachel McGarry, Tom Rassieur, Dennis Michael Jon, Marla J. Kinney, Roberta Bartoli, Patrick Noon, Eike D. Schmidt and Erika Holmquist-Wall.
Travel show venues: Minneapolis Institute of Arts; Grand Rapids Art Museum in Michigan; North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh; Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska
Source, photograph, bibliography.
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Camille Philippon, “Three American engravers at the Library of Art and Archeology: Ethel Mars, Maud Hunt Squire and Edna Boies Hopkins”, in Library of Art and Archeology Jacques Doucet , 09/23 /2021
Camille Philippon, « Trois graveuses américaines à la Bibliothèque d’art et d’archéologie : Ethel Mars, Maud Hunt Squire et Edna Boies Hopkins », dans Bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie Jacques Doucet, 23/09/2021
Bibliography Source and notes
North Carolina Museum of Art
Marks of Genius: 100 Extraordinary Drawings from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
The exhibition featured Edward Hopper's Double House. Installation photos: M. Gaines, N.C. Museum of Art. The museum wall label credits my work and reproduced one of my photographs.
More installation views here.
National Gallery of Art Library
Digital Collection: Ethel Mars and Maud Hunt Squire rare silver print photographs
In 2018 the NGA Library acquired some of the rare silver print family photographs shared by the family--for the first time--with me for Tres Complémentaires some 20 years prior. I am thrilled that they are part of the nation's repository, available on line and can be viewed enlarged in great detail which we could not do for the original exhibition catalogue!
Source. Bibliography.
Cape Ann Museum
Hopper's Houses
Brochure for self guided walking tour past select sites in Gloucester.
Source references: Gail Levin; Catherine Ryan; and Carol Troyen, MFA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
From Paris to Provincetown: Blanche Lazzell and the Color Woodcut
Barbara Stern Shapiro: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
"...I am also indebted to numerous individuals who provided observations and ideas, including David Acton, whose writings on American prints are most informative, David Kiehl, and Catherine Ryan."
Acknowledgement and bibliography source
New York Times
"Polishing Its Past and Preparing Its Future"
Aug. 13, 2014
"...City Hall’s cheerful, site-specific, allegorical W.P.A. murals depicting the vigor of democracy and civic virtue are “big, bright and largely unknown,” said Catherine Ryan, a Gloucester art consultant and historian..."
Interviewed about WPA-era art, my work on Edward Hopper, and the arts and culture in Gloucester
Provincetown Arts
"Mars & Squire" p.70
by Tony Vevers
"I am deeply in debt to Catherine Ryan’s marvelous catalogue, Tres Complementaires: The Art and Lives of Ethel Mars and Maude Hunt Squire, from a retrospective exhibition at the Mary Ryan Gallery in New York. This was the first publication on the lives and work of these important and appealing artists, who deserve to be better known in the history of early 20th-century art."
Acknowledgement, bibliography source and long essay review.
Woman's Art Journal
[Review of Très Complementaires: The Art and Lives of Ethel Mars and Maud Hunt Squire, by C. Ryan]. (2001). Woman’s Art Journal, 22(2), 59–59.
"...This well illustrated catalogue reproduces many of their works, documents their many exhibitions, and presents a parallel chronology. There are still many women whose work is too little known, as this joint show proves."
'Short Take' book review
May Stevens: Images of Women Near and Far, 1983-1997
Barbara Stern Shapiro. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
MFA exhibition 1999 and catalogue (NY: Mary Ryan Gallery)
Archivist work for May Stevens; acknowledgement; bibliography source
Japonisme Comes to America: The Japanese Impact on the Graphic Arts 1876-1925
Julia Meech*. (1990). New York: Harry N. Abrams.
Travel show venues: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City (Jul. 22-Sept. 2, 1990): The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers (Sept. 16-Nov. 18, 1990); The Setagaya Museum, Tokyo (Dec. 20, 1990-Jan. 20, 1991
*Editor in Chief Japanese Art Society of America (Museum curator & historian; Dir. Christie's; scholar)
Acknowledgement and notes. Bibliography source.
Acknowledgement and notes. Bibliography source.
Laurent de Brunhoff Babar Exhibition
Hotel St. Simon (heritage site), Angoulême, France
photo: snapshots from Laurent de Brunhoff 'report from the field'
Archivist work for Laurent de Brunhoff; bibliography source.
Laurent de Brunhoff : Babar in Process
Multiple reviews: Art Newspaper, NY Times,. Curated several shows for de Brunhoff that were reviewed in national media.
The Salem News
"Gloucester looks to put WPA Murals in one place: Bidders would also be asked to triage giant paintings"
Mar 26, 2018
By Ray Lamont
"...Ryan said the idea of getting many of the murals to one location is one reason for focusing the bid proposals on university conservation centers, where officials believe crews can better handle murals that run up to 75 feet long. She said any budget for the project will depend on the levels of bids, but noted that $35,000 set aside from the city's Community Preservation Act for the project, with plans to raise more money privately. The bid posting, like those for most RFPs, also notes that the city can decide to reject any and all proposals for any reason..."
Interviewed about WPA-era art
Save the Art / Save the Museum
website by, Michael Morin | Press- Art Publications
selection of arts coverage related to Berkshire Museum deaccession & lawsuit
Bibliography source; illustration: Attorney Michael Keating / AMICUS / John Adams Courthouse, Boston, Mass. Berkshire Museum deaccession case. Oral arguments before SJO Justice Judge Lowy. photo: C. Ryan (Court appointed photographer, March 20, 2018.
Rabaté, J. (Ed.). (2015). 1922: Literature, Culture, Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bibliography source and notes.
Laurent de Brunhoff
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Solo exhibition. Artist representative and archivist work for Laurent de Brunhoff; bibliography source
Good Morning Gloucester
by Joey Ciaramitaro
Bibliography source with excerpts and acknowledgement
Karen Christel Krahulik. (2005) New York: NYU Press
Bibliography source | chapter notes
Ada Gilmore Woodcuts and Watercolors
Barbara Parker. New York: Mary Ryan Gallery.
Acknowledgement and notes. Bibliography source.
Columbus Museum of Art
Edna Boies Hopkins: Strong in Character, Colorful in Expression.
Dominique H. Vasseur (2007). Ohio University Press. Major exhibition and catalogue raisonné
Bibliography source
Cincinnati Public Library blog
"Throwback Thursday: Artists Maud Hunt Squire and Ethel Mars"
Bibliography source
The Blue Lantern
"Mademoiselle Mars"
Aug. 2009
Bibliography source with excerpts and illustrations from Catalogue
"...the prints remain the best of their works. While Squire more or less retired from artmaking by the early 1930s, Mars continued, as revealed in her portraits, with scenes of the French countryside in World War II and big notebooks full of sketches. Her last work, presumably a self portrait done around 1958, is a poignant drawing of an old woman in a black dress and hat facing the viewer but looking inward."- Grace Glueck
During the run of the exhibition I nearly sold this drawing to multiple museums and a corporate collection. With museums addressing gaps in their holdings, if the show were to be held in 2020 their work in all media would have drawn more response and sales.
We worked directly with the artist and his curatorial staff. One of the most powerful experiences in my career was a lengthy visit and discussion with Rauschenberg when he was in town to absorb the show and its special resonance.
New Yorker
"Galleries Uptown- May Stevens"
July 5, 1999
(May and I became as close as family. By the time of this show which was timed with a major retrospective at the MFA, I had curated and co-curated several solo shows for her. Years earlier, Laurence Hovde, with the gallery, had hoped we'd work with May and collaborate.)
Khadi: New Work in Cloth and Paper by David Schorr
Introduction by Judith Thurman
"This exhibition is stopping in many places and many are helping along the way...In New York, of course, Mary Ryan and Catherine Ryan, my dealers whose encouragement and trust have become such a part of my life..."
Acknowledgement. Co-curated shows 1986, 1994, 1998
Illinois Times
"Miss Furr and Miss Skeene"
November 2, 2000
Spotlight preview.
The State Journal Register Springfield, IL
"New York exhibit honors Springifeld native's art"
October 31, 2000
Essex National Heritage Essex Heritage and the National Park Service
Mass Smart Growth booth
2013 AiA National Conference, Boston
Bibliography source. Featured project.
HarborWalk Intention and Creativity | The Semi-Finalist Group Exhibit
Invited talk/tour. HarborWalk show at Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Public Library, Matz Gallery (Photo: Linda Bosselman)
Paths to the Press: Printmaking and Women American Artists, 1910-1960 by Elizabeth G. Seaton.
Exhibition and book Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Kansas. Travel show additional venues: Block Museum of Art, McNay Art Museum, the Louisiana State University Museum of Art in Baton Rouge, and Wallach Art Gallery Columbia University.
Bibliography source
Art, Culture, and Community: A Forum on Public Art & Planning
MAPC & MCC's municipal event.
Catherine Ryan, Tom Daniel
Invited talk/panelist (scheduling conflict could not present). Concept, content, and slides
Smart Growth Visit to Gloucester
Invited talk - Then | Now
(photo Andre Leroux, former Dir. MA Smart Growth, City Hall, Gloucester, MA: C. Ryan)
Smart Growth Placemaking Worcester
Bibliography source
2013 AiA National Conference, Boston
Great Neighborhoods: Stories and Successes
Invited talk & panelist. Massachusetts Smart Growth Conference at ABX. Click the link and then keep clicking the right arrow to move along through the visual part of the presentation. It doesn’t work with hitting “play” (too slow)—I designed it to click through. (AiA conference photo: Kathy Chapman)
Winslow Wilson / Pico Moran: Biography of an Artist on line catalogue by Claudia Wilson since 2014
Publicity page
"On February 26, 2017, Catherine Ryan wrote an insightful article, posted on GMG (Good Morning Gloucester), entitled “Rediscovered Artist: Arthur William Wilson (1892-1974) also know as 'Tex', Winslow Wilson, and Pico Miran. Active NYC, Rockport, Gloucester. Harvard poet knew ee Cummings..." The article reflects Catherine’s reading of biographical and research information on this site ( along with insights and information reflective of her expertise in this era and material."
Shute & Merchant: Once Located at the Head of the Harbor in Gloucester.
History, Geneaology and Stereoviews
on line catalogue by
Bibliography source.
Starfield Manship Artists Residency & Studio
“Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought”:
Art, Permanence, Presence and Absence
by Samantha C. Harvey
Layered and dreamy essay and creative process was part of a collaborative duo then trio's "Ghost" residency inspired by Paul Manship's home and legacy in Gloucester. Harvey's piece in response to MARs 2020 (Virtual) Artist in Residence Marc Zegans (poet) who sparked Tsar Fedorsky (photographer).
(Acknowledgement nod to my work on the 1918 Pandemic in Gloucester. Bibliography source.)
Manship Artists Residency & Studio
Invited talk 1918 Pandemic in Gloucester
CAM Book Club discusses
John Barry's The Great Influenza
Cape Ann Museum
Winter 2020
C. Ryan's 1918 Pandemic in Gloucester - Bibliography source